Saturday, January 7, 2012

UGH. Does he like me or not???

I am going to my sister's house today and I'm on the fence about whether I should bring my ipad or iphone, and if I do, if I should let my nephew know I have them on me. I hate to sound needy but I'm beginning to think that's all he's interested in.

I guarantee he'll be asking about them within 10 minutes of seeing me. Will he ask about my day or week, or comment on how nice my hair looks? Hell no. He's going to start talking about himself and whatever stupid shirt he's wearing. And then he's going to start pointing at random shit. And when he's done telling me about the random shit, he's going to want to look at vid-os of robots and power rangers and take pictures. I'm not stupid, I know exactly what that means.

When we first became friends, I was happy to share my stuff and even encourage the interest because I thought we were spending quality time together, exploring these things TWO-GETHER, the two of us. But then I began to see that he doesn't give a shit about which spiderman video I want to watch, or what dinosaur or strawberry donut pictures I want to look at. It's all about him. And now I'm starting to wonder if our sharing is actually just him using me. Are you beginning to understand my conundrum?

The easy solution is to stop offering up the i-goods, right? Because if I do that and he still pays attention to me, that would mean he likes me. At the same time, I hate to not offer them up, because I do enjoy our i-time, and then I'd just be punishing myself. And who wants to play games anyway? He either likes me or he doesn't. The absence or presence of i-stuff isn't going to change that.

He HAS to like me, though. I mean, ok, he is always willing to give me hugs. I do have to ask for them, but he always complies even when his mom isn't watching. And he's always super happy to sit beside me. We do often end up looking at the ipad when sitting together, but I don't think that is the ONLY thing generating his desire for the sitfests. And when it's picture taking time, he does sometimes include me in the photoshoots. He usually wants to be in all of the pictures, and he wants to be in front, and I am only included after he's taken 56 pictures of himself, BUT still--he wants me in the photos. Why would he want me to be in pictures with him if he didn't like me? Especially when he knows I'm going to post them on Facebook where EVERYONE will see. Plus--he always shares his potato chips with me. Even though I am the one who first brings him the potato chips, at his request, and sure, maybe the ones he hands me have already been in his mouth, in his brother's mouth, or on the floor. Still, he does hand them to me voluntarily without me asking, which means he wants to take care of me.

When a guy feeds you, that means he likes you, right?

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